Want prosperIV® to come to you? Our mobile IV service provides in-home IV drips and includes visits to Westchester County and Rockland County.
Here’s How it Works
If you’re interested in having an IV drip at home, our process is simple. Contact us at (914) 401-8324, let us know you’re looking for an in-home IV drip, and we will send you intake forms to fill out. Once these have been reviewed and approved by one of our clinical staff, your appointment will be set up. On the day of your appointment, one of our Registered Nurses will arrive at your selected location at the arranged time. Once inside, your nurse will take your vitals. If everything looks good, the IV drip will proceed.
Your nurse will set everything up, make you comfortable, mix your bag, and the IV drip will do its job. The process takes approximately 45 minutes. Afterward, you will be provided with aftercare instructions.
Even though we are out of the clinic, our mobile IV therapy in Westchester and Rockland still follows The Prosper Way: Each client is special and important, and it’s our job to make you feel that way.