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Vitamin C: Immunity Plus!

A popular add-on to any IV drip at prosperIV® is vitamin C. This water-soluble vitamin is known for protecting our immunity and helping wound healing, but it also protects against chronic illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and dementia.

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Ready to “C” the Benefits?

  • Beats the cold or flu with increased immune support
  • Supports a healthy heart
  • Helps with iron absorption
  • Reduces the duration of colds
  • Assists with wound healing and preventing wrinkles
  • Improves brain function 
  • Keeps skin looking radiant and youthful
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“This place is a great addition to Westchester. The staff is wonderful, the setting is spacious and beautiful, and the services were terrific. I highly recommend checking this place out!”

Lauren C.

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How Much Does the Vitamin C Boost Cost?

The vitamin C boost costs $119. Vitamin C is an extremely important antioxidant that can provide a massive boost to your immune system and overall health. With our vitamin C IV boost, you can heal faster from illnesses, improve your brain function, keep your skin looking youthful, and keep your blood pressure in check.

The Power of Vitamin C

Immune System Support

While it’s a misconception that vitamin C can prevent the common cold, it does have the ability to offer relief from cold symptoms. 

Wound Healing

Vitamin C helps create collagen, which helps wounds heal — so those who receive a higher amount of vitamin C may see faster-healing cuts and wounds.

Antioxidant Benefits

It’s been shown that oxidative stress caused by free radicals may lead to heart disease, cancer, immune problems, and many other issues. As an antioxidant, vitamin C protects your cells from these harmful free radicals.

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Trust, Care, and Enhanced Health at prosperIV®

Ready for an amazing experience at prosperIV®? No matter what your health and wellness goals are, our team provides an educational, relaxing, and comfortable atmosphere where you can sit back and take some much-needed time for yourself. It’s our job and pleasure to help you feel like your very best self so you can take on the world — and when you choose drips from prosperIV®, you can be certain that you’re in experienced hands. Not only is our Medical Director a Nurse Practitioner; we also have a highly skilled team of Registered Nurses with ICU and ER experience. This level of trust and enhanced care is what keeps our clients returning again and again.

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Vitamin C Boost FAQ

Can a Vitamin C IV boost improve wound healing?

Can a Vitamin C IV boost improve cardiovascular health?

Can a Vitamin C IV boost treat allergies?

Can a Vitamin C IV boost improve wound healing?

Vitamin C is essential for wound healing, and high doses may help promote healing in difficult-to-heal wounds.

Can a Vitamin C IV boost improve cardiovascular health?

Vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen, which is essential for cardiovascular health.

Can a Vitamin C IV boost treat allergies?

Vitamin C is sometimes used to reduce the severity of allergies and asthma symptoms.

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