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What is a Hangover IV Treatment?

Hangover IV treatment is a specialized procedure that delivers fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, and medications directly into the bloodstream to ease hangover symptoms. By bypassing the digestive system, it quickly hydrates, replenishes nutrients, and reduces inflammation. At prosperIV Miami, our hangover treatments are designed to restore energy, relieve headaches and nausea, and shorten hangover duration. Remember, while our IV treatments can help you recover, moderation and proper hydration are the best ways to prevent hangovers in the first place.

What Hangover Treatments Do We Offer? 

At Prosper IV Miami, we offer a variety of advanced hangover treatments designed to help you recover quickly and feel your best. Our "Go Rev!" therapy blends top-notch IV hydration with essential nutrients for rapid revitalization. Experience profound relaxation with our "Reset, Relax, and Recharge" treatment, tailored to replenish your body and foster deep rejuvenation. Combat oxidative stress with our "The Master Antioxidant" infusion, and boost your energy levels with our "Vitamin B12" injections. For fast relief from nausea, try our "Zofran Boost" for immediate comfort. With our diverse range of specialized treatments, we're committed to helping you overcome hangovers and restore your vitality.

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Go Rev!

A vitamin IV has truly therapeutic benefits — both physically and mentally. The Rev drip from prosperIV® Miami gives you energy by combining amino acids and B12 MIC, which can help with weight loss, clear away exhaustion, and enhance mood.

The Rev drip’s combination of food energy B7, metabolism energy booster, and essential amino acids can help you get over a hangover by:

  • Boosting metabolism
  • Giving energy
  • Detoxifying the body
  • Burning fat
  • Assisting with mental clarity

Your Rev IV bag will be expertly customized just for you, with any additional boosts added as requested. After your hangover IV treatment in Miami, you'll feel renewed, rejuvenated, and fully rehydrated.

The Rev
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Reset, Relax, and Recharge

Had a few too many drinks or struggling to stay hydrated? It's time for a reset!

Reset days are all about replenishing your body’s nutrients for a swift and optimal recovery. Essential elements for a reset include hydration, micronutrients, oxygen, and a balanced nervous system. Regardless of what you're recovering from, The Reset Drip will help you feel better and give you a substantial natural energy boost.

Our Reset Drip is tailored with the vitamins, minerals, and hydration you need to start feeling better right away, so you can get back to enjoying your day. This infusion includes:

  • Super B complex
  • A high dose of vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Selenium
  • An amino acid blend

With this potent blend of ingredients, The Reset drip:

  • Boosts cell energy levels
  • Combats harmful toxins
  • Fights fatigue
  • Increases energy
  • Detoxes the liver

We'll take exceptional care of you and help you feel like yourself again. Whether you're getting a hangover IV in Miami or just need a boost, remember that prosperIV is a judgment-free zone. Our mission is to provide the nutrients you need to ensure you feel like your best self.

The Reset
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The Master Antioxidant

Glutathione is a powerful compound essential for optimal health, but many of us need more of it due to factors like aging, poor diet, stress, and environmental pollutants. 

Often referred to as “the master antioxidant,” glutathione works at a cellular level to neutralize free radicals that contribute to aging. It also enhances your cells' ability to regenerate, helping to reverse the signs of aging. At prosperIV®, we're excited to offer glutathione add-ons to help you harness its full benefits.

Beyond giving your skin a radiant glow and supporting liver detoxification, glutathione has even more remarkable effects. What else can this powerhouse molecule do for you?

It can:

  • Combat harmful toxins and chemicals
  • Support immune health
  • Help with digestion
  • Maintain function of neurons in the brain
  • Give your skin a brighter, more radiant glow
  • Contribute to overall health and longevity

Because glutathione re-generates the cells that detoxify the liver, it is a must-have for anyone who may have gone a little overindulging and needs some hangover help. No judgments here...we’ve all been there!

The Glutathione Drip
Blonde-haired woman with light brown hat

A Vitamin of Many Talents

Vitamin B12 is crucial for your brain’s neurons and offers a powerful natural energy boost. It supports DNA production and the formation of healthy red blood cells, playing a key role in converting carbohydrates into glucose.

At prosperIV® Miami, we’re thrilled to offer Vitamin B12 because of its numerous benefits. This essential nutrient not only boosts your energy levels but also aids in reducing heart disease, improving digestion and gut health, and enhancing immune function.

Adding Vitamin B12 to your drip will help you feel more energized and improve your sleep. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Enhanced mood
  • Improved memory and brain function
  • Promoted DNA synthesis
  • An increase in formed red blood cells
  • Less risk of neurodegenerative disease
  • A healthier nervous system
  • Reduced fatigue and weakness
  • Boosted skin and hair health
  • Stimulated immune system
  • Protection against stress 

The Vitamin B12 Boost
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No More Nausea!

Had a rough night or feeling unwell? A Zofran® boost can be added to any drip at prosperIV® to quickly combat nausea and vomiting, no matter the cause.

Zofran (ondansetron) is a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist used to prevent and treat nausea. Whether your nausea is from a hangover, migraine, or another issue, this boost helps you feel better fast.

It works by blocking serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for nausea and vomiting, providing quick relief and continuous improvement throughout the day.

The Zofran Boost

Hydrate to Feel Great

Our Hydration IV serves as an effective hangover treatment by swiftly replenishing the body's depleted fluids and essential nutrients. This intravenous therapy directly delivers hydration, electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals, helping to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. The infusion aids in rehydrating the body, mitigating headaches, fatigue, and nausea, which are often associated with excessive alcohol consumption. Prosper IV's Hydration IV treatment offers a rapid and efficient way to recover from the aftermath of a night of indulgence, revitalizing the body and promoting a quicker return to normal functionality and comfort. 

Allow our high-grade Hydration drip to restore your comfort and peace of mind. 

The Hydration Drip

Wellness in Every Drop

Our signature Prosper drip is a powerful hangover remedy, providing essential hydration, electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals directly into your bloodstream. This IV therapy effectively tackles the effects of alcohol consumption by swiftly rehydrating your system and alleviating common symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and nausea. The Prosper IV drip offers a rapid and effective solution for hangover relief, replenishing vital nutrients and fluids to restore balance and energy. You'll bounce back quickly, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to get back to your routine.

Avoid the nightmare of hangovers with our Prosper drip. 

The Prosper Drip

Nourish from Within

One of our most sought-after drips, The Quench is an exceptional hangover remedy designed to address post-alcohol symptoms. This IV infusion delivers a powerful mix of hydration, electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals straight into your bloodstream. It works quickly to rehydrate your body and ease common hangover discomforts like headaches, fatigue, and nausea. The Quench provides an effective and targeted solution for rapid recovery, replenishing essential nutrients and fluids to restore your vitality. With The Quench, you'll bounce back swiftly and be ready to embrace the day ahead, feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Try The Quench today to experience tranquility and ease. 

The Quench Drip

Quick Relief Unleashed

Our Toradol boost is highly effective for hangover relief. This specialized IV treatment targets the discomfort from drinking, providing swift relief from headaches, nausea, and body aches. By combining Toradol, a potent anti-inflammatory medication, with hydration and essential nutrients, this infusion directly addresses hangover symptoms. The Toradol boost offers fast and focused relief by reducing inflammation and discomfort caused by excessive alcohol consumption. It’s a strategic solution for quick recovery, helping you regain your well-being and embrace the day with renewed energy and comfort.

Give our Toradol boost a try to experience its powerful calming effects. 

The Toradol Boost
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Why Choose prosperIV for Hangover Treatments?

At prosperIV, our team is here for you — so how can we help you achieve your wellness goals? We believe in The Prosper Way, meaning that you’re unique and important, and it’s our job to make you feel that way. That also means providing a judgment-free zone to recover from a hangover and return to your day!

Our highly skilled RNs with ICU and ER experience provide a client-centered experience to ensure that you're well taken care of and comfortable. This means that you will be fully informed about your personalized IV therapy, helped to feel relaxed, and be given an enjoyable bit of time just for yourself.

Hangover IV FAQ

How much do hangover recovery treatments cost?

Will an IV sober you up?

Is it better to get an IV before or after drinking?

Do IV fluids flush out alcohol?

How much do hangover recovery treatments cost?

Hangovers are never any fun to deal with. When you drink a bit too much alcohol, it can leave you dehydrated, exhausted, and feeling flat-out miserable. At Prosper IV, we offer several hangover recovery treatments that can truly work wonders. The costs of each of the treatments are as follows:

  • The Rev - starting at $249
  • The Reset - starting at $259
  • Glutathione Boost - starting at $79
  • Vitamin B12 Boost - starting at $39
  • Zofran Boost - starting at $49

Will an IV sober you up?

An IV won’t sober you up because they do not reduce the blood alcohol content responsible for insobriety. However, a Hangover IV is perfect for addressing dehydration and nausea, arguably the worst part of being hungover. A Hangover IV also contains amino acids and B12 to give you an energy boost and help clear the mental hangover haze.

Is it better to get an IV before or after drinking?

You can get an IV before or after drinking and experience similar effects. You can prevent a hangover by rehydrating your body and replacing the lost vitamins while drinking alcohol.

Do IV fluids flush out alcohol?

Your liver breaks down the alcohol in your system so your body can flush it. IV fluids do not flush out alcohol but combat harmful toxins while detoxifying your liver. IV fluids also provide optimal hydration so your body can function properly, which will help flush the alcohol out of your system more efficiently.

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